Finding my keyboard/trackpad drivers

so, Im trying to figure out why i have full keyboard/trackpad functionality in some distros, and not others. so Im looking to find the driver being used on the ones that DO work. how do I specifically find what is being used?
any suggestions?

it is a wiped Lenovo N23 Chromebook, these are the results…
Arch Linux & Lubuntu = full working functionality
Kali = works fully in live USB, NOT after actual install.
FreeBSD = kb works at beginning of install, stops working during. tp n/a
all work with generic USB keyboard attached as well.

just fiddling around.

You remind me of myself, curious about stuff :slight_smile: If I were you, I would start with libinput

Here is the manpage for libinput on X client : man libinput (4): libinput-based X.Org input driver

Here is the libinput page for the Wayland client : libinput — libinput 1.25.0 documentation

The chat only allows me to put 2 links but you can google the libinput wiki for arch and the wiki for lubuntu.

There is a sort of transition phase between X and Wayland. I’m sure you have heard about it, it has been going on for few years now and could be one of the reason why some distros out of the box have full functionality for keyboard/trackpad and some don’t.

But since you are curious, I would pop up my terminal and type in man libinput and see where that leads you.

That is a good place to start and someone else in the chat will come along and spew some more wisdom about keyboard/touchpad drivers :slight_smile: cheers

Thank you! I’ll def take a look!
Im still using X11 everywhere… but need to do homework on wayland, as it seems thats where things will be going.

also, lspci -k , and -v have provided some good leads re:drivers.