I have a question for anyone regarding the too long; didn’t read (TL;DR).
I have made a post that encourages deep thought about protecting themselves on the Internet so that people would see less of the “Safe Browsing” warnings.
The only thing you can trust is yourself and not trust Google at all. Be vigilant about clicking in links in phishing emails. Install ad-blocking extension if you have to. Add Pi-Hole to your network. Go a step further. Install NoScript and only trust domains to not load malicious scripts. Go even further. Create profiles for different sites using your web browser of choice. Why not have your own domain name? Use StartMail and create multiple email aliases for your own domain name. Only use one email address per site. If your site suffers a data breach, use a different email address. Use a password manager. Browse the web using only Linux if you have to. Do it in virtual machines if you want to go a step further.
Start with only allowing port 80 and 443 in your network firewall for basic Internet access. Want to use Steam and play games? Go online and find what destination ports to enable from the inside of your LAN. Need to use Zoom? Jitsi Meet? Same thing. Separate your IoT devices from your computer network. Have a couple of network switches and access points? Put those management interfaces in its own network. Need I go further? Need I must tell you to keep your OS and software up to date?
The weakest link in the security chain is you. If you cannot trust yourself, you need to evaluate your threat model. What are you trying to protect? Your computer? Your data (keep your backups offline until you need to restore from a backup and test your backups)? Your network? Once you know your threat model, hopefully you won’t come across a “safe browsing warning” page. If some page gave you a warning out of the blue and you know that page does not have any malware, then something is up. Don’t trust Google or any big tech companies.
As someone commented “tldr” and “welcome to the Internet” (by the way, I’ve been using the Internet since the late 90s, so I blocked that user for good and moved on), should I take that even further and use “too long, didn’t listen” in long conversations? Especially in job meetings (I seriously won’t do that as that would be very unprofessional)?
Should I really cater and appease to the “TL;DR fanatics” on the Internet with such a very low reading effort? Because it seems like Brodie Robertson didn’t appease to the “TL;DL fanatics” who would not take all the effort to listen to him on his video.
I know. Welcome to the Internet, because I despise that “TL;DR” crap… I feel like this “TL;DR” slang has spread way too far on the Internet just to make me feel like using that “TL;DL” slang in any kind of meetings.
PS: I hope I do not mean to insult anyone who’s reading rate has already been in declining state. I’m pretty sure I have already answered my “too long; didn’t listen” question (unprofessional indeed while in a job) but I thought I might ask when it comes to worst-case scenarios.