Does anyone know of any open source document management software - i am looking to put all my documents from 20 years go to now that are taking up so much space in to some kind of software that i can scan them in and save them as pdf or any type of file name and then search for the file name or the content of the document. I dont really need any more features than basic search.
Thanks in advanced.
I didn’t find any graphical programs, but found this cli program.
If you want to make a single pdf searchable you can use OCRmyPDF.
You can install it from apt (Ubuntu/Debian/Linuxmint)
$ sudo apt install ocrmypdf
On Windows you will need Windows Subsystem for Linux (wsl), for that run this command in administrator mode (right click cmd).
> wsl --install
then you can start wsl and install ocrmypdf
> wsl
$ sudo apt install ocrmypdf
It is pretty simple to use, first change directory to where your documents are stored (/mnt/c
is your C drive on Windows)
$ cd /home/username/Documents
$ cd /mnt/c/Users/username/Documents
and run th program
$ ocrmypdf -l eng input_scanned.pdf output_searchable.pdf
the output_searchable.pdf
should contain text that can be searched through by the regular pdf viewers.
I haven’t actually tried it out, but if you need help I will check it out.
There should be programs that are more convenient, I will share if I find any, someone else here might know.
Have a look at Paperless-NGX or Mayan EDMS. They could be a good fit for what you are after