Network drive question

One cable is self made others were not self made. It made no difference on the lan side of the router. So it is an issue with the lan side’s bandwidth for the router. As well as cabling I think. More work and home improvements… /grunt grunt grunt lol

ISP said it is the unit that doesn’t appear to be working correctly so looks like I’ll be getting a different unit. I’ll update as I move forward for now I’ll start setting up with current speeds and adapt as I go.

Double update today.
First was able to isolate the issue with speed its two fold one the back plain on the router (lan side) is stuck at 100Mbs and unable to do anything different at the moment. Also One cable has only 4 of the 8 wires working so that will be fixed in the near future by pulling a new cable to that location.

Second issue I started up the Dell r710 with just the idrac connection connected and my browsers all gave me an error of
I’m looking for solutions and thought I’d ask here for any place that might have information on it to streamline my searching for the solution.

Any help would be great.

You might need to lower your browser’s security settings to allow older TLS versions. Try in incremental steps: 1.1, 1.0, SSL 3.0 etc.

I can’t find anywhere to change the tls /ssl 3.0 etc settings is it under something other than settings?
I’m running PoP os with brave as my current browser that I like the most for browsing.
Is there a way to make it only use the older settings only for that specific ip?

Something like about:config for chromium-based browsers. I think it’s about:flags link.

Highly doubt it, unless you use a completely separate browser profile (which then means you’ll have to only use that profile for that specific page, which is not too bad, considering malware usually comes through your browser first).

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Thank you
I’ll check and see.
Worst case I’ll spin up a VM with an old browser in it to connect to it.