@jay I’m reading the third edition of your book right now. I recently reached the chapter about Virtualization. Up till now I found several errata in your book. I was planning to save them all up until I read the whole book, but now I found out you’re working on the fourth edition. Are you still interested in errata from the 3rd edition? If so, I’ll send you what I have found so far, because I don’t know when I have time to read the remainder of your book (probably during summer holiday ). What’s the best place to send them to?
Hi there! Thank you so much for doing that. I’ve already checked your findings against the new version. Nearly all of the findings were still present in the in-progress version of the 4th edition. Makes me wish you were on the technical review team!
sorry i know this is an old post, i bought the book over a year ago 3rd edition and only just had time to start reading. I have found some small errata in the 3rd edition. do you still want people to still send the findings for the 3rd edition?