Alternative to Samba?

Hey all

I have been using samba now for 5 or 6 years on an old ubuntu vm. I am moving the data over to a smaller server that uses less power and i dont need much power. I have purchased a dell sff pc i7 16gb memory and a 500 ssd hard drive and i have put a 8tb drive in it.

I currently use it for a jelly fin server, i have a R620 dell server that is abit heavy on power and am not using it for much (its running esxi) and looking to turn it off.

i want to move my samba server over to the small dell pc as well as it being used for jellyfin but before i do i wanted to know is samba still ok to use (its just for basic sharing of 100gb of data if that for 3 or 4 pcs running windows mainly in the house or is there something better to use these days for basic sharing?

Thanks for reading!

Basic sharing on Windows is still going to require samba. There’s some people arguing for next-cloud and syncing the files, but I find that having a central server where you access the files directly is better than constantly syncing the files.

Thanks will keep it simple and continue to use samba for now.

Thanks for the reply.

I used to use Samba all the time for sharing between my systems and my NAS but now I have moved to NFS even on windows (I am running Windows 10 Pro on my handful of windows systems) and once configured on both sides it works great and i can lock it down on the sever side to specific networks and or hosts and don’t have to worry about creating a user account for each system that is connecting to the various shares. Also the new TrueNAS RC has added audit logs and active session for both Samba and NFS to the UI